Thursday, September 22, 2022

Week 1 + 2 Power Rankings

 Welcome yet again gentlemen to another season of the Gold Coast League. And as is tradition.. here provided are the always late Power Rankings!

I wish i could include more pleasantries but my time is simply limited. So with no further ado... the power rankings!!

8) Juju's Republic

The Republic has lost its first two as well and is thinking they're fine.

.....they're not.

7)  Tito's CFO's

The CFO's have started the season at o and two, and are at the verge of losing their job!


6) Porky's Prime Cuts.

Porky's cuts is off to a rough start with an 0 and 2 start as well. A tough pill to swallow.

5) Dude Where's my Carr?

The dude is off to a 1 and 1 start. Not too great. Not too bad.

4)  FX4 Gold Rush

 The Gold Rush find themselves in 4th place with an 1 -1 record and thus are trying not to draw too much attention to themselves... almost feeling like they don't belong in a playoff spot. They don't.

3) Engineers Beards

The Beards lost to America in week 2 but still have a top three spot.

2) Kaptain America.

Some rankings simply need no words.

1) El Maestro Garcia

Class is in session and the champ is still in front.

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