Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Week 6 Power Rankings

Before commencing, I must tell you all that I sit here typing with a heavy heart.

I regret to inform you that...

as many of you suspected,

despite his best efforts,

it appears to be the case that,

in this moment in time..

i'm afraid...

that unfortunately...

BonTito's playoff hopes have perished.  At approximately 9:10 pacific time, the freak's roster suffered from a case of not enough fucking points... and it proved to be too much. The freak could not recover.

Please join me and press play as we remember...

Poor Russell...he didn't take it so well...

In honor of this once championship team, players will wear this decal behind their helmets for the rest of the season.

In respect for the deceased, we will move right ahead to number 9..

9) Porky's Prime Cut

Well... Porky's playoff chances are not doing any better. After yet another loss, Porky finds himself at the bottom of a deep hole.

After a close Monday night loss, the pork was not in the best mood:

The season is slipping through his fingers, and Gordon Ramsey is not thrilled.

It was yet another bad weekend at Porky's... here a look:

8) You Can Run But you Can't Hyde

The loss of pigmentation Ruben has suffered after yet another loss has sent him into hiding. But we do have a  picture a fan sent alleging it's an actual photo of the once black Ruben.

 I know these images are shocking. I apologize.  Oh, how far the mighty have fallen.

And fallen is accurate, since You can Run can no longer run nor walk. At this point, its better just to sit back, relax.. watch the rest of the match ups, and enjoy some ice cream.

7) Rigo Suave

The suaves have won yet again, but it was not enough to push them further ahead in the standings.

It's a victory, with  taste of defeat. Not so suave.

OBJ, however, was as suave as can be.  Him and that net though.

A video posted by WorldstarHipHop (@worldstar) on

OBJ getting more action than his owner.

But hey... thats alright.. that's's allgod.. because another one of his beats has become a hit overseas.

Here, the premiere:

Fuego. Stay tuned for the remix with Future.

6) Team Eulloqui

With Lesean Mccoy and Eli leading the way..the Eulloquis found their way to victory against a  putrid You can Run but Can't Hyde.

Eli feeling the win.

Lesean too

It was a great comeback after suffering that heartbreaking loss last week. 

5) Joaquin's Dream Team

After this week, Joaquin was not happy about waking up and facing reality.

He should have know better than to fuck with America.

The American Dream? More like.... Just The Dream.

Joaquin went into the week thinking he'd have the dream of a lifetime.. and it really began that way until:

I went Freddy Kreuger on your ass (yes, he is an american citizen and does pay his taxes).

Here live images of what transpired...

"oh hey I'm Joaquin.. I'm just here checking my fantasy score.. sealing some car deals..chilling...

OH FUCK!!! Kaptain America!!! ShIIiiiiit!

Sweet Dreams, little one. Until Next Time...

4) Big Ben's Peter

Big Ben's Peter moved up the rankings but it didn't come without a price. Big Ben suffered a knee injury and has been relegated to the position of cheerleader.

The team will resort to the red rocket Andy Dalton.. 

He's not thrilled.

In spirit of the QB change, Big Ben's Peter has issued a special coupon offer to all their fans..

3) 302 Gold Rush

Ain't got no gold no mo. That shit was snatched.

 After his second loss, the gold rush was seen goldless out in the streets. 

All fake shit. Fugazzi.  

Tom Brady just wasn't his usual self.

2)  Kaptain America

Must I say more??

You're welcome.

1) ....

The Sixburgh Steelers

... and he stays around .... at number one. David Johnson and Demarco Murray have been paving the way for the 6god's perfect record.

It's a party.

The team's flying high...

This record... The Best He's ever Had.

Question is however... will his next move be better than his last move??


Random Funny Shit:

Bitch Move of the Week:

You Can Ran but you Can't Hyde 

for leaving Brandin Cooks on the bench, who was responsible for 50+ points. Ouch.

Genius Move of The Week:


Kaptain America 

for starting Drew Brees who single handledly accounted for 100 points. Good Job, America.

The League Video of The Week:

Best of Week 6:

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