Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week 9 Power Rankings - Election Night Edition

This just in! This just in! In a shocking development..

... hot off the press...

The mighty, previous undefeated Kaptain America has fallen on this election night at the hands of engineering champions. It is mayhem in the streets!!

It is a huge blow for America that had perfect season aspirations. But thankfully, on this night of Nov. 6th ... election night, America has proposed a series of Propositions that will make America great and keep it at the top. Beginning with 

Proposition 8)

Would appoint Tito Munoz of the Freak. party as beer bitch. The freaks have only won 2 of their 9 matchups this season. We the people of the Gold Coast cannot stand for such mediocrity, and must force him to wear the Beer Bitch shirt and demand he serve us beer.

Proposition 7)

Would turn back the hands of time and repeal the wrongful acquisition of George Kittle by any Raider fan, in this case Tito Lara, and relinquish him to his rightful home....a 49er nation... America.

Proposition 6)

Would render the value of Gold to virtually 0, and have the name of the League changed to The American Coast League. America has been inundated with this pathetic mineral for many season now and has proposed to have it expelled for good. Say No to Gold. Vote yes on Proposition 6.

Proposition 5)

Would outlaw the use of all cars, especially the integration of the crying David Carr in any line up. 

Proposition 4) 

Would ban the sell of any meat, especially pork, in hopes of promoting a healthier lifestyle. The Gold Coast would adopt a Vegan diet as a result. Animal lives matter. 

Proposition 3) 

Would make all gay Cowboy fans straight again. 

Proposition 2)

Would immediately halt any engineering and housing projects, drying the engineer workforce and  cause all engineers to leave the gold coast.

Proposition 1)

Would keep America great and at the top as it always should be. 

Bitch Move of The Week: 

Dude Where's My Carr for having his QB Carr and RB Cohen combine for a grand total of 14 points.

Genius Move of the Week:

Engineering Champions 

For being the first team to defeat the previously undefeated Kaptain America.

Random funny shit:

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